All Uncertn garments are manufactured in the largest part of where global textiles are made, China. Our internal processes lead us to choose the right manufacturer that will make UC garments while consistently maintaining the highest quality workmanship and compliance with local laws. All factories that make Uncertn garments are audited by amfori BSCI to ensure that the factory is compliant to fair wages, no child labor, exceptional working conditions, etc.
Supply chain and social responsibility are important factors for us when selecting clothing factories. This is why the clothing manufacturers we use must be compliant with amfori BSCI. Amfori's Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is one of the industry's leading monitoring initiatives for workplace conditions and social responsibility. The clothing manufactures we work with must follow the amfori BSCI Code Of Conduct:
- Fair Remuneration
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Special Protection for Young Workers
- No Bonded Labour
- Ethical Business Behaviour
- No Discrimination
- Decent Working Hours
- No Child Labour
- No Precarious Employment
- Protection of the Environment
Social Responsiblity Code Of Conduct:
- Code Observance
- Workers' Involvement and Protection
- Supply Chain Management and Cascade Effect
- Grievance Mechanism